Nitor Anti Acne Cream

Rs.500.00 Rs.1,000.00

Nitor Anti Acne Cream - Soothes and Prevents Irritating Acne Symptoms


  • Mandelic acid
  • Oleanolic acid
  • Acnacidol
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Moringa Oil


  • Cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying
  • Using warm water, wash the affected area for 1 to 2 minutes
  • Apply a pea-sized amount of cream on the fingertip
  • Dot on the affected area then gently spread it over the entire face, twice a day.
  • Senqua Sunsafe  Sun-Block Cream is recommended afterwards 


  • For External Use Only
  • Do not use Inside the nose, ear, or mouth
  • Ask a doctor before use if you have a rash, existing infection, or allergy
  • If the product gets into the eyes immediately flush with large amounts of water
  • Keep out of reach of Children

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